Frequently Asked Questions

Why join Didcot Choral Society?

We are a very friendly and welcoming group of singers with an emphasis on fun and enjoyment. The choir is a charity run by volunteers and we work hard to make sure everyone is having fun! Because we are not making a profit we can concentrate on keeping subscriptions low but providing a quality experience for all singers regardless of their level of experience.

How do I join?

You can come along to our open rehearsal on Tuesday 13th September from 7:30pm or join at any rehearsal. Either come to the rehearsal venue (Northbourne CE School Hall) and ask for a member of the committee or call Alison in advance 07915 094842.

What happens at rehearsals?

The rehearsals are relaxed and fun, involving a warm up followed by a focused rehearsal session led by a professional musical director and accompanied by a very experienced pianist. We take a break for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat! All our events are relaxed and informal and with an emphasis on socialising. 

Can I bring a friend?

You are more than welcome to bring a friend with you.

Do I have to audition or read music?

Absolutely not! Whatever your level of experience you will be able to join in with the rehearsal within your section. Rehearsals are led by our experience musical director Samuel Foxon who will help build your confidence. Your voice will soon blend with the group and you will learn how to follow a line of music and sing with your section in harmony with the choir.

I haven’t sung with groups for a long time – will I be able to keep up?

Yes, it is very common for singers to join us after a long gap. The range of experience level in the choir and our professional musical director and accompanist will provide the support you need to feel confident.

I am an experienced singer – is this group for me?

Yes, there are many very experienced singers in the choir and the repertoire has been chosen to provide challenge for all levels of experience. Our musical director adapts the rehearsal to meet the needs of everyone. Although we are an open access choir, it’s important that we keep up our musical standards.

What sort of music do you sing?

We sing a wide variety of music across the year – a typical year will include a large choral work and some smaller choral pieces. This is balanced with at least one concert a year of more popular and contemporary music, for example songs from musical theatre shows. We are always open to suggestions for performance works!

What about performances?

We perform three concerts a year and your subscriptions include performing in these – we encourage members to bring along friends and family to join in the experience of participating in live music in local venues. However, if you would prefer not to perform there is no pressure. The choir exists for us all to have fun and enjoy singing.

What will it cost?

Music is provided at a small cost to cover borrowing from the library or printing. This would be typically £2-4 per term. Our current subscriptions are much lower than other groups at £45 for a ten week term (subject to increases). We are well aware that budgets are tight and we will do our best to keep the costs to you as low as possible.

What do the subscription fees cover?

The rehearsal fees cover the cost of the musical director and accompanist, the venue hire and other costs like hiring instruments and professionals. The costs of running the choir as a charity are covered by the volunteers and trustees. We also raise money through fund-raising events.

Do you offer discounts or concessions?

There are no costs for full-time students. If you have any difficulty in paying the termly fees then please approach a member of the committee in confidence.

What else does the choir do?

We like to find as many opportunities to perform as we can! For example we have toured to Normandy, Dublin, Paris as well as singing at many local events.

How can I find out more?

Call 07915 094842 or email